IDREAM FOR A CURE and the STAND BY ELI FOUNDATION have partnered with Give Lively to power this fundraiser.

In Memory Of Caleb 2011 -2021.
Caleb was a healthy vibrant 3 year old before his life took a tragic turn. By 2017, he was diagnosed with an IRF2BPL disorder which made him a silent prisoner locked in his body. This disease stole Caleb's youth and future and continues to threaten countless other children who are born with this devastating disease.. You can help bring this disease to an end by DONATING today.
IRF2BPL Related Disorders
Movement Disorder
The iDream For A Cure Foundation is a project of The Giving Back Fund, a 501c(3) non-profit organization with federal tax-exempt status as a public charity, ID 04-3367888.

Legal Charity Status
iDream For A Cure
c/o The Giving Back Fund
5101 Santa Monica Blvd
Ste 8 PMB 137
Los Angeles, CA 90029
Phone: 310-649-5222
Fax: 310-649-5070